Hi blogs! It's been a long time I'm not posting to this blog. Well, i do it too to my tumblr hehe. I'm actually not-so-that busy with my college, but i have difficulty on internet connection.
5 days a week, I stay at my 'kosan'. There, the internet connection is very bad, so i can't blogging. I take my time for blogging when i was home (like now). So that's the reason why i seldom update my blog.
My college is fun. I've lotta friends. I knew lot of new things. I'm excited for it. Tomorrow i have test, wish me luck guys :D
It's kinda a 'hello goodbye note' because i don't know when i can post another things again here. Well people, enjoy life!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Neurta is a friendship night for Neuron 2010 and Aorta 2007. It was held at Cimahi Convention Hall on October 22nd 2010.
Neurta made for a good relationship between aorta and neuron.
This friendship night was made and present by Neuron for our big brothers and sisters Aorta. Neurta is a love sign and a grateful sign from us (Neuron) to Aorta who has given us so many things such experience, knowledge and else.
At that night, Neuron present a drama, poetry reading, sharing session, dinner, live bands, and our guest star, Two Triple O! They really rocked that night with spectacular songs they present. Everybody jumped, danced and sing together. Seems like everybody happy that night.
We hope our good relationship long last till end. Thanks for Neuron! Thanks Aorta! FK Unjani!
Neurta made for a good relationship between aorta and neuron.
This friendship night was made and present by Neuron for our big brothers and sisters Aorta. Neurta is a love sign and a grateful sign from us (Neuron) to Aorta who has given us so many things such experience, knowledge and else.
At that night, Neuron present a drama, poetry reading, sharing session, dinner, live bands, and our guest star, Two Triple O! They really rocked that night with spectacular songs they present. Everybody jumped, danced and sing together. Seems like everybody happy that night.
We hope our good relationship long last till end. Thanks for Neuron! Thanks Aorta! FK Unjani!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Freshman needed to be ospek! Hahahaha. Yap, saya kan maba (mahasiswa baru) nih jadi baru aja ngerasain di ospek. Kalo pas smp sama sma kan namanya MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa) nah sekarang sih namanya Ospek (Orientasi Pengenalan Kampus).
Tahun ini saya 3x di ospek. Pertama ospek universitas, kedua dan ketiga ospek fakultas. Sebenernya pas ospek fakultas namanya bukan ospek sih. Kalo ospek yang kedua namanya PPS (gatau singkatannya apa) dan yang ketiga judulnya bukan ospek sih katanya, mereka lebih enak nyebutnya dengan kaderisasi. Kaderisasi ini namanya CEREBRO 2010 (Create The New Generation To Be A Great Doctor). Cool huh?
Overall, it was fun walaupun menguras hati waktu pikiran dan uang. Tapi ospek yang kaya gini bermanfaat kok, apalagi pas lagi PPS sama cerebro. Pengalaman dan pengetahuan bertambah.
Ini part yang paling ditunggu-tunggu pas ospek. Main ke lab anatomi dan ke bagian forensik. Ketemu apa coba disana? Cadaver! hahahahaha.
I wanna share you some pics but poor me, I don't even have one. I hope those 'hypocampus' will share the photos with us.
Tahun ini saya 3x di ospek. Pertama ospek universitas, kedua dan ketiga ospek fakultas. Sebenernya pas ospek fakultas namanya bukan ospek sih. Kalo ospek yang kedua namanya PPS (gatau singkatannya apa) dan yang ketiga judulnya bukan ospek sih katanya, mereka lebih enak nyebutnya dengan kaderisasi. Kaderisasi ini namanya CEREBRO 2010 (Create The New Generation To Be A Great Doctor). Cool huh?
Overall, it was fun walaupun menguras hati waktu pikiran dan uang. Tapi ospek yang kaya gini bermanfaat kok, apalagi pas lagi PPS sama cerebro. Pengalaman dan pengetahuan bertambah.
Ini part yang paling ditunggu-tunggu pas ospek. Main ke lab anatomi dan ke bagian forensik. Ketemu apa coba disana? Cadaver! hahahahaha.
I wanna share you some pics but poor me, I don't even have one. I hope those 'hypocampus' will share the photos with us.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
September Wishlist
1. Health and financial for me, my family and friends are going as well, better than before
2. Betah ngekos
3. Kuliah asyik, lancar, dan menyenangkan
4. Banyak temen dan semoga hafal semua namanya hehehehe
5. Dikasih semangat belajar yang tinggi
6. Koleksi kemeja dan rok nambah, sepatu dan tas juga deh hehe
7. Lovelife mungkin? hahahahaha
Dan segala2nya yang dibutuhin. Because God always gives us what we need not what we want :)
September should be Ceria :)
2. Betah ngekos
3. Kuliah asyik, lancar, dan menyenangkan
4. Banyak temen dan semoga hafal semua namanya hehehehe
5. Dikasih semangat belajar yang tinggi
6. Koleksi kemeja dan rok nambah, sepatu dan tas juga deh hehe
7. Lovelife mungkin? hahahahaha
Dan segala2nya yang dibutuhin. Because God always gives us what we need not what we want :)
September should be Ceria :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August Wishlist
1. Kuliah menyenangkan
2. Dapet banyak temen yang baik dan nyambung
3. Betah jadi anak kos uhuhuhuhu
4. Puasa tamat dan diterima Allah
5. Keuangan membaik
6. (still) Baju baru, sepatu baru, tas baru dan mobil baru mungkin? ehehehehehe
7. Semua yang baik-baik
8. Better than July
Enjoy August ♥
2. Dapet banyak temen yang baik dan nyambung
3. Betah jadi anak kos uhuhuhuhu
4. Puasa tamat dan diterima Allah
5. Keuangan membaik
6. (still) Baju baru, sepatu baru, tas baru dan mobil baru mungkin? ehehehehehe
7. Semua yang baik-baik
8. Better than July
Enjoy August ♥
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I failed at SNMPTN this year and not interesting to try again on next year hehehe. So I declared my self that I'm officially a freshmen in Medical Faculty of Jenderal Achmad Yani University 2010
Bismillah, I hope this is the best for me :)
Bismillah, I hope this is the best for me :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Last 29-30 of June I was going to Lembang for IPA5's Farewell Party. We stay at Osmond Villa at Lembang. The place is really cool!
These are the pics:

and the scenery

For the villa everything was great. The pool, badminton court, bedrooms, bathrooms, karaoke room, living room, and everything i really like it! I recommend you to choose this villa if you wanna stay at villa.
Me and IPA5 had a really great party, I'll post it later. Can't wait :3
Thank you Osmond! I'll see you soon
These are the pics:

and the scenery

For the villa everything was great. The pool, badminton court, bedrooms, bathrooms, karaoke room, living room, and everything i really like it! I recommend you to choose this villa if you wanna stay at villa.
Me and IPA5 had a really great party, I'll post it later. Can't wait :3
Thank you Osmond! I'll see you soon
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July Wishlist
Dear God...
I want my mom healthy, no more disease, back to her normal condition
I want pass the SNMPTN and get medical faculty of UNPAD
I want a lot of money for my family, and my self
I want new clothes
I want new shoes
I want new bags
I want my own notebook
I want to be able to drive my own car
I want to go to beach
I want to play at dufan
I want a super fun holiday
I want all of my wants come true
Please dear God, fulfill my wants. Amin...
I want my mom healthy, no more disease, back to her normal condition
I want pass the SNMPTN and get medical faculty of UNPAD
I want a lot of money for my family, and my self
I want new clothes
I want new shoes
I want new bags
I want my own notebook
I want to be able to drive my own car
I want to go to beach
I want to play at dufan
I want a super fun holiday
I want all of my wants come true
Please dear God, fulfill my wants. Amin...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hello, I Miss You Blogspot
Wow! About 6 months i left my blogspot but I still online on tumblr (hehe, sorry blogspot :D)
Actually, from early 2010 i was very busy with my school because I'm on the last year of highschool and prepared myself for sooo many tests. For national examination, Final school exams, tests to enter university. Overall, i enjoyed it although my quality time with friends and family lil bit disturbed, but its very okay.
Now I'm really free! I'm done with highschool and university tests. Alhamdulillah, YARSI and UNJANI had accepted me in Medical Faculty and will start study on August! I have a looooooooong holiday :)
I'll start blogging again, here! Miss ya blogspot mwah
Actually, from early 2010 i was very busy with my school because I'm on the last year of highschool and prepared myself for sooo many tests. For national examination, Final school exams, tests to enter university. Overall, i enjoyed it although my quality time with friends and family lil bit disturbed, but its very okay.
Now I'm really free! I'm done with highschool and university tests. Alhamdulillah, YARSI and UNJANI had accepted me in Medical Faculty and will start study on August! I have a looooooooong holiday :)
I'll start blogging again, here! Miss ya blogspot mwah
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